Basic Spelling Rules
Here i will give you the Basic English Spelling Rules that will help you a lot in exams or in practical life.
The English
language has two kinds of letters: vowels and consonants. The vowels are a, e,
i, o, u and sometimes y or w. The consonants are the letters that are not
vowels: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, z.
Long vowel:
We hear the sound of the letter just as it is when we recite the alphabet.
Examples: A
long a is pronounced like the a in the words: make, cake, take, ache.
vowel: The sound of the vowel is soft.
Example: A
short a is pronounced like the a in the words: mask, task, act, jack, bag.
Short-Vowel Rule: When one-syllable words have a vowel in the middle, the vowel
usually has a short sound: Examples: cat, dog, man, hat, mom, dad, got.
If the
letter after the vowel is f, l, or s, this letter is often doubled. Examples:
staff, ball, pass.
Two-Vowels Together: When two vowels are next to each other, the first vowel is
usually long (the sound is the same as the sound of the letter) and the second
vowel is silent. Examples: meat, seat, plain, rain, goat, road, lie, pie.
"Vowel-Consonant- e" Pattern: When a short word, or the last syllable
of a longer word, ends in this pattern: vowel--consonant--e, the first vowel is
usually long and the e is silent. Examples: place, cake, mice, vote, mute.
4. Y as a
long i: The letter Y makes the long sound of I when it comes at the end of a
short word that has no other vowel. Examples: cry, try, my, fly, by, hi.
5. Y as a
long e: When y or ey ends a word in an unaccented syllable, the y has the long
sound of e. Examples: money, honey, many, key, funny.
6. I before
E: Write i before e when the sound is long e except after the letter c.
Examples: relieve, relief, reprieve. Notice the change when there is a c
preceding the ie: receipt, receive, ceiling, deceive, conceive.
7. E before
I: Write e before i when the sound is long a. Examples: weight, freight, reign.
8. Oi or
Oy: Use oi in the middle of a word and use oy at the end of a word. Examples:
boil, soil, toil, boy, toy.
9. Ou or
Ow: Use ou in the middle of a word and use ow at the end of words other than
those that
end in n or d. Examples: mouse, house, found, mount, borrow, row, throw, crow.
10. Double
Consonants: When b, d, g, m, n, or p appear after a short vowel in a word with
two syllables, double the consonant: b, d, g, m, n, or p. Examples: rabbit,
manner, dagger, banner, drummer.
11. The
"ch" sound: At the beginning of a word, use "ch." At the
end of a word, use "tch." When the "ch" sound is followed
by ure or ion, use t. Examples: choose, champ, watch, catch, picture, rapture.
For Full important Basic English Spelling Rules Download the PDF Book from the given below link
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